Tips for Increasing Online Sales

   12 Nov 2015

If you have an online store, there are several website components that have a direct effect on sales. Your online storefront, landing page for checkout, shopping cart and other items can impact online sales in a positive or negative way. Below are a few tips to make sure you are maximizing online sales opportunities.

Visible Shopping Cart

When a customer adds a product to their cart, they usually need to be sure their item was registered. The customer’s cart with the number of products ordered should be displayed at all times for their peace of mind.

Optimize “Add-to-Cart” Buttons

Don’t be indirect with your shoppers. Avoid “more details” or “learn more” links for an indirect call to action. Most customers don’t react well to this and prefer a direct “add-to-cart” action.

Clean Product Pages

Your product pages should be simple and organized. Keep the most important aspects of the product such as the image, name, short description and price front and center. Product reviews, specifications, similar products, etc can be separate links at the bottom of the page.

Eliminate Distractions from the Checkout Page

The checkout page is a critical aspect of an online sale. Have a single checkout page asking for payment and shipping information only. Trying to sell more products or having additional information on the checkout page usually confuses and frustrates customers. It is important to keep the process simple and quick as possible for a positive customer experience.

With these tips in mind, take a minute to make sure the shopping experience on your online store is easy and fast for your customers. WYSIWYG is a Kansas City web design company that can help. We specialize in e-commerce services and website catalogs for successful online sales. Call us today with questions your have or help you need and talk to an expert!